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How to book your tickets online

Visit the HOME page on our website and hover over the poster of the event you’d like to see. A BOOK NOW button will appear.  Click on this link and follow the links to the Little Box Office . You can choose your seats, pay securely and have your tickets emailed to you. We don’t charge booking fees.

Ring the Theatre Royal Box Office Tel. No. 01900 603 161 and leave a message . You will be contacted within 48 hours.

Book with confidence

We are unable to accept ticket returns within 48 hours prior to the performance. For ticket returns earlier than that, tickets may be exchanged for another performance within the run of the same production.
Latecomers aren’t eligible for refunds or credits.

Buy tickets in the theatre on the night of the event.

To Hire The Theatre

For further information, please contact:

Anyone wishing to hire the theatre must complete and sign a copy of the HIRE AGREEMENT before the hire commences.

Click Theatre Hire Agreement 2024 to download the hire agreement.

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