by Eve Ensler 25th April 2010 Director Pat Brinicombe A Workington Playgoers Production
2018 August Cat-in a-Box
by Morgan Sweeney
2nd – 4th August 2018
Directed by Morgan Sweeney
This intriguing new play takes the philosophical puzzle of Schrödinger’s cat as its starting point. No-one has ever had the courage, or folly, to put themselves in a Schrödinger Box. So no-one really knows whether it’s true: that his famous cat is both dead and alive at the same time; or what it would feel like to be there, hovering in a limbo between the two.
Kate and Henry have taken a holiday let on a small island in the Firth of Lorn. He is a poet, about to complete the second volume of his published works. Meanwhile, Kate has decided to leave him and intends to use the opportunity of a week away to break the bad news.
But something is wrong with the wiring in the house. Whenever they use the waste disposal unit, in the kitchen sink, the whole day resets to breakfast and begins again – with renewed hope of a better future. But what does ‘a better future’ really mean, for each of them?
Welcome to Kate and Henry’s World, where they cannot both be happy at the same time. Or can they find a way – in a box where a cat can be, simultaneously, alive and dead?
A Workington Playgoers Production
Photographs by the Director, Morgan Sweeney

Show Details
Doors open: 6:30pm
Performance: 7:30pm
Running Time: 1hr
Date: Thurs 2nd – Sat 4th August 2018
All tickets £7.00