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2023 March Evening of Mediumship with Chris Drew and Debra Chalmers
Come and join Chris and Debra for a heartwarming Evening of Mediumship at The Theatre Royal in Workington as they share messages from the spirit world
Debra Chalmers works as a Medium passing on messages from loved ones to their families. Although she has sensed spirit for most of her life, it was during her teenage years that her sensitivity became more active. She would see and hear spirit clearly.
“I have worked as a full-time professional medium since 2011, but have been able to sense and feel the spirit world for as long as I can remember. Prior to working as a medium my career was within the National Health Service where I trained as an Adult Registered Nurse in 1996, qualifying in 1999. I then went onto specialise in sexual health, community services and young people, moving into senior management, managing sexual health services across County Durham and Darlington, specialising in managing change and redesign. I have both a first degree and Master’s degree in Sexual Health and Public Health, respectively.”
Once Chris had begun to consciously develop his mediumship, he was quickly led to the Arthur Findlay College, the world’s foremost college for the Advancement of Mediumship and Psychic Sciences, where he embarked on an intensive study and development of his mediumistic abilities. He has also studied at The College of Psychic Studies and The Spiritualist Association of Great Britain in London.
Although he is predominantly based in London, his work has taken him across the UK, and to many countries throughout the world including USA, Japan, Australia and all over Europe .
He has a fresh and modern approach to mediumship, he works tirelessly to reunite people with their loved ones.
Chris works at several highly regarded mediumistic institutions, both as a demonstrating Medium and a tutor, including the world famous Arthur Findlay College.
For more about Chris please visit his website, where you can also watch his promo video. www.MediumChris.com

Show details:
Date: Thursday 30th March 2023
Doors open: 7:00 pm
Performance starts: 7:30 pm
Running time: 1 1/2 hours
Tickets: £10
Tickets can be bought online.