The play was based on a story by William J. Locke and adapted for the stage by Shaun McKenna from a screenplay by Charles Dance. The 2004 film starred award-winning actresses Dames Judi Dench and Maggie Smith.

The play opens following a huge storm in which a young man’s body is washed up on the beach below the cottage where two elderly sisters have lived all their lives. He is alive but unconscious and injured. He is taken to the sisters’ cottage and they determine to nurse him back to health with the help of the local doctor.

There is consternation when he finally recovers consciousness and they find he does not speak or understand English. Their efforts to communicate with him involve elaborate mimes and attempts at German using their father’s old dictionary.

When someone brings his violin the young man plays it exquisitely and everyone realises he is a talented musician.As he recovers and starts to explore the outside world his presence disrupts not only the sisters’ cosy, uneventful lives but those of the surrounding community.

“This is a poignant, reflective play about innocence, unfulfilled dreams and love that comes too late,” said a spokesman.

Directed by Stephanie Daly-Parks, the play runs from March 22 to 26 at the Theatre Royal.

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