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1988 October Apple Pie / Face the Music

Apple Pie by Margaret Kressman & Face the Music by Barry L.Hillman
28th and 29th October 1988
Directed by Jenni Rushton

A Workington Playgoers Club Production

Apple Pie & Face the Music sponsored by Billy Bowmans Music Shop
Sally Burgess plays Mary in Apple Pie
Pat Brinicombe plays Mary in Apple Pie and Freda Alcutt in Face the Music
Sylvia Bevan plays Mary in Apple Pie and Evadne Saunders in Face the Music
Connie Watson plays Daisy in Face the Music
Ann Grant plays Valerie Pinkerton in Face the Music
Karen Hetherington plays Conchita Alvara (AKA Doreen Small) in Face the Music
Gill Vaughan plays Mary in Apple Pie and Roslyn Palmer in Face the Music
Review by John Wright for the Times and Star

Photographs by Jenni Rushton

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