1961 December A Sense of Guilt
By Andrew Rosenthal 7th - 13th December (exc. Sunday) 1961 Directer Elizabeth Murray A Workington Playgoers Club Production
By Andrew Rosenthal 7th - 13th December (exc. Sunday) 1961 Directer Elizabeth Murray A Workington Playgoers Club Production
By Leslie Sands 5th - 11th October 1961 (excluding Sunday) Director G.B. Hool A Workington Playgoers Club Production
The Queen and the Rebels by Ugo Betti Translated by Henry Reed 16th - 22nd March 1961 (exc. Sunday) A Workington Playgoers Production
By Jeanette Dowling in collaboration with Francis Letton 1st - 7th December 1960 Director Herbert A White Playgoers Present their Silver Jubilee Production
By Noel Coward 29th September - 4th October 1960 Directer Phyllis Heal A Workington Playgoers Club Production
By John Chapman 17th - 22nd March (exc. Sunday) 1960 Director R.S.Mackay A Workington Playgoers Club Production